Interview with the V-Man
I thought I'd start this out the same way the first issue of Exo did back in 1999-2000 - by reposting an interview from that webzine with Marc Alex-Vezina, in (mostly) it's original format:
What would the first issue be without the V-Man himself getting the 20 or so questions? On November 3rd DP9 announced the licensing deal Sony Pictures signed for Heavy Gear. Had time permitted we would have asked more questions of Marc-Alex. Now without any further delay here is Marc-Alex of DP9.
EXO: Care to tell the readers a little bit about yourself?
Marc-Alex: Marc-Alexandre Vézina crash-landed on Earth in 1971. He narrowly avoided a boring but lucrative engineering career to become a starving writer instead. Since then, his bizarre, secluded lifestyle has led him to explore the most perverse aspects of human civilization, including real work, failed relationships and gaming conventions. He hopes to redeem himself by one day writing a novel of some sort. He served for nearly 15 issues as the Ogre-in-Chief for Mecha Press, a Montréal-based magazine that catered to his depraved fetish for giant robots. Marc-Alex's deranged ramblings have also been the basis for numerous gaming books, including Jovian Chronicles and Heavy Gear. He currently serves as chief developer for Dream Pod 9's Silhouette game engine and oversees the DP9 lines of products. Marc-Alex is still writing and is also very active on the Internet (some would say too much).
And he sometimes refer to himself in the third person, too.
EXO: The new cover designs we have seen on both the Solapol and Lightning Strike books, is this going to be the new format? Or will you be going back to the white edition look?
Marc-Alex: Depends on the product. Some will have the white cover, others the space cover. Whatever fits the book.
EXO: After the release of the Chaos Principle, many got the impression that a full war was about to take place between CEGA and the Confederation. But by the end of the book it looks like the cold war will continue.
Marc-Alex: The war will go underground. They can't have open conflict -- the weapons they wield (asteroids, plasma drives, nukes, nanotech, etc.) are just too powerful. So they'll have lots of skirmishes in the solar system. (I refer you to Poul Anderson's short story "Kings Who Die" for a perfect example of such a situation.)
EXO: Was this too keep the JC line from turning into another war story like the HG line?
Marc-Alex: Not really. The two lines are well separated in my mind. :)
EXO: Has the Jovian Chronicles setting been everything you envisioned it to be?
Marc-Alex: Yes and no. The line has suffered from the "too many cooks" syndrome time and again in the past, especially the Silhouette edition. Some wanted an anime game, others a hard SF game, others a pure fighter game. It just didn't mix well. Now, though, we've got a clearer idea of where we are going with it, and I think it will show in the next few products.
EXO: Where would you like to see it go?
Marc-Alex: Mass market. No, really. A television series and plastic models by Bandai would be great, even though the odds of that happening are remote. :)
EXO: How has Jovian been doing in sales? I know the main book is in its second printing, was this better than DP9 expected for it?
Marc-Alex: It's on par with our sale predictions so far.
EXO: What is your reaction when people call Jovian Chronicles "The lost child of DP9" or the "Forgotten Product line"?
Marc-Alex: I shake my head and remind myself that no matter what we do, how incredible we managed to make the line, there will always be at least one person unhappy with it. :)
EXO: Will we ever get to see the likes of the JC Technical Manual?
Marc-Alex: Perhaps. I have plans for one, but right now we have to fill in the
background a little more before we start adding toys.
EXO: What new direction will JC take in the near future. With the experimentation with new book formats, new art styles, the introduction of LS... It seems like DP9 has taken a sharp look at what the JC line can offer.
Marc-Alex: Certainly. We're trying stuff, having fun. Isn't this what's it all about?
EXO: How did you first come up with Jovian Chronicles? Was it your way of making a North American version of Gundam?
Marc-Alex: Pretty much, yes (and I'm shameless about it, too).
EXO: The late and great Mecha Press was a very good magazine. Will we ever see a pure DP9 magazine? I think that would be something cool to work on, but then again you guys have enough to work on already.
Marc-Alex: We don't plan on doing a magazine, though it has been considered. We know what it requires (remember, we did two in the past), and we just cannot justify the time and energy involved. Game magazines just don't have the distribution to generate revenues. Even Games Workshop considers their White Dwarf magazine an advertisement expense, not a revenue-making venture. :)
EXO: Where is the Engineers Handbook? If you are too busy when not give it off to someone you trust to do it for you?
Marc-Alex: Because I don't trust anyone. It's what kept me alive all these years.
EXO: With reaction to Chaos Principle the way it was, and that being a lot of people thought the adventure as it was was not really good. Has DP9 decided not to go that route again with future projects?
Marc-Alex: Yes and no. We'd like to do other campaign settings, but the format will
obviously have to be rethought entirely.
EXO: What is DP9's thought on a hybrid storyline/source book or is this something campaign books would cover?
Marc-Alex: The latter, definitely.
EXO: Will DP9 ever go to another GenCon?
Marc-Alex: Only if the convention offers us interesting terms again.
EXO: Or do you guys plan of just hitting things up in your home town?
Marc-Alex: There are not a whole lot of local cons, to tell the truth. When there's one, we generally try to send at least a couple of people (Hilary was at the last Con*Cept, for example).
EXO: Is LS going to remain separate from the rest of the JC line or will we see it incorporated into future books?
Marc-Alex: LS will have separate supplements so that people who want to play just LS don't have to buy a whole sourcebook to get three stat sheets. :)
EXO: How does DP9 plan to expand and support the JC universe given previous comments that a major military conflict would not be used as the vehicle for change?
Marc-Alex: Societies evolved through time, and I think we can tell a good story just with that. Of course, there will be conflicts, else there is no drama, but I think we can do something.
EXO: The DP9 website has tentative release schedule to March 2000 inclusive. Could you comment on the tentative release schedule for the remainder of 2000?
Marc-Alex: I'd rather not. That way, if a product slips, no one will know about it. ;)
EXO: Sometime in the past, DP9 has said that once the HGear story has been told that is it. Could you clarify what this means to HGear fans?
Marc-Alex: It means that once the story has run its course, we will stop producing sourcebooks for it and move on to another, new game line. It's kinda like a television show -- even the best ones don't stay on the air forever. ;)
EXO: Also, does this mean a new game line, and/or more support for existing lines when DP9 finishes the HGear story?
Marc-Alex: New game line, probably in the same niche (military SF).
EXO: Now that Lightning Strike is out and appears as though it is being received well what are the future plans for Lightning Strike?
Marc-Alex: We plan a couple of expansions with new vehicles and new factions (Venus, Mars, etc.). We may do a simplified ground combat system to go with it as well.
EXO: With regards to LS and the rest of the Jovian line will we see books that incorporate LS info or will the books mainly stick with the given format with LS getting its own support?
Marc-Alex: LS will have separate supplements so that people who want to play just LS don't have to buy a whole sourcebook to get new stats.
EXO: Miniatures? HGear's line is very remarkable, but will we ever see any for Jovian Chronicles?
Marc-Alex: Hopefully yes, though the HG line is keeping us really busy right now.
EXO: Any plans for a JC computer game of any kind (sim, tactical, whatever)?
Marc-Alex: Not at this time.
EXO: What about an anime or manga? Or an online webcast of a JC Drama Story?
Marc-Alex: Not at this time.
EXO: Will we see anymore resin kits for the Jovian Line?
Marc-Alex: Maybe. Depends wholly on sales of the current models.
EXO: I will ask one now, "I always wanted to visit Canada. Where is a good place to visit?" -Jolan
Marc-Alex: Anywhere. That's what so great about this country. :)
What would the first issue be without the V-Man himself getting the 20 or so questions? On November 3rd DP9 announced the licensing deal Sony Pictures signed for Heavy Gear. Had time permitted we would have asked more questions of Marc-Alex. Now without any further delay here is Marc-Alex of DP9.
EXO: Care to tell the readers a little bit about yourself?
Marc-Alex: Marc-Alexandre Vézina crash-landed on Earth in 1971. He narrowly avoided a boring but lucrative engineering career to become a starving writer instead. Since then, his bizarre, secluded lifestyle has led him to explore the most perverse aspects of human civilization, including real work, failed relationships and gaming conventions. He hopes to redeem himself by one day writing a novel of some sort. He served for nearly 15 issues as the Ogre-in-Chief for Mecha Press, a Montréal-based magazine that catered to his depraved fetish for giant robots. Marc-Alex's deranged ramblings have also been the basis for numerous gaming books, including Jovian Chronicles and Heavy Gear. He currently serves as chief developer for Dream Pod 9's Silhouette game engine and oversees the DP9 lines of products. Marc-Alex is still writing and is also very active on the Internet (some would say too much).
And he sometimes refer to himself in the third person, too.
EXO: The new cover designs we have seen on both the Solapol and Lightning Strike books, is this going to be the new format? Or will you be going back to the white edition look?
Marc-Alex: Depends on the product. Some will have the white cover, others the space cover. Whatever fits the book.
EXO: After the release of the Chaos Principle, many got the impression that a full war was about to take place between CEGA and the Confederation. But by the end of the book it looks like the cold war will continue.
Marc-Alex: The war will go underground. They can't have open conflict -- the weapons they wield (asteroids, plasma drives, nukes, nanotech, etc.) are just too powerful. So they'll have lots of skirmishes in the solar system. (I refer you to Poul Anderson's short story "Kings Who Die" for a perfect example of such a situation.)
EXO: Was this too keep the JC line from turning into another war story like the HG line?
Marc-Alex: Not really. The two lines are well separated in my mind. :)
EXO: Has the Jovian Chronicles setting been everything you envisioned it to be?
Marc-Alex: Yes and no. The line has suffered from the "too many cooks" syndrome time and again in the past, especially the Silhouette edition. Some wanted an anime game, others a hard SF game, others a pure fighter game. It just didn't mix well. Now, though, we've got a clearer idea of where we are going with it, and I think it will show in the next few products.
EXO: Where would you like to see it go?
Marc-Alex: Mass market. No, really. A television series and plastic models by Bandai would be great, even though the odds of that happening are remote. :)
EXO: How has Jovian been doing in sales? I know the main book is in its second printing, was this better than DP9 expected for it?
Marc-Alex: It's on par with our sale predictions so far.
EXO: What is your reaction when people call Jovian Chronicles "The lost child of DP9" or the "Forgotten Product line"?
Marc-Alex: I shake my head and remind myself that no matter what we do, how incredible we managed to make the line, there will always be at least one person unhappy with it. :)
EXO: Will we ever get to see the likes of the JC Technical Manual?
Marc-Alex: Perhaps. I have plans for one, but right now we have to fill in the
background a little more before we start adding toys.
EXO: What new direction will JC take in the near future. With the experimentation with new book formats, new art styles, the introduction of LS... It seems like DP9 has taken a sharp look at what the JC line can offer.
Marc-Alex: Certainly. We're trying stuff, having fun. Isn't this what's it all about?
EXO: How did you first come up with Jovian Chronicles? Was it your way of making a North American version of Gundam?
Marc-Alex: Pretty much, yes (and I'm shameless about it, too).
EXO: The late and great Mecha Press was a very good magazine. Will we ever see a pure DP9 magazine? I think that would be something cool to work on, but then again you guys have enough to work on already.
Marc-Alex: We don't plan on doing a magazine, though it has been considered. We know what it requires (remember, we did two in the past), and we just cannot justify the time and energy involved. Game magazines just don't have the distribution to generate revenues. Even Games Workshop considers their White Dwarf magazine an advertisement expense, not a revenue-making venture. :)
EXO: Where is the Engineers Handbook? If you are too busy when not give it off to someone you trust to do it for you?
Marc-Alex: Because I don't trust anyone. It's what kept me alive all these years.
EXO: With reaction to Chaos Principle the way it was, and that being a lot of people thought the adventure as it was was not really good. Has DP9 decided not to go that route again with future projects?
Marc-Alex: Yes and no. We'd like to do other campaign settings, but the format will
obviously have to be rethought entirely.
EXO: What is DP9's thought on a hybrid storyline/source book or is this something campaign books would cover?
Marc-Alex: The latter, definitely.
EXO: Will DP9 ever go to another GenCon?
Marc-Alex: Only if the convention offers us interesting terms again.
EXO: Or do you guys plan of just hitting things up in your home town?
Marc-Alex: There are not a whole lot of local cons, to tell the truth. When there's one, we generally try to send at least a couple of people (Hilary was at the last Con*Cept, for example).
EXO: Is LS going to remain separate from the rest of the JC line or will we see it incorporated into future books?
Marc-Alex: LS will have separate supplements so that people who want to play just LS don't have to buy a whole sourcebook to get three stat sheets. :)
EXO: How does DP9 plan to expand and support the JC universe given previous comments that a major military conflict would not be used as the vehicle for change?
Marc-Alex: Societies evolved through time, and I think we can tell a good story just with that. Of course, there will be conflicts, else there is no drama, but I think we can do something.
EXO: The DP9 website has tentative release schedule to March 2000 inclusive. Could you comment on the tentative release schedule for the remainder of 2000?
Marc-Alex: I'd rather not. That way, if a product slips, no one will know about it. ;)
EXO: Sometime in the past, DP9 has said that once the HGear story has been told that is it. Could you clarify what this means to HGear fans?
Marc-Alex: It means that once the story has run its course, we will stop producing sourcebooks for it and move on to another, new game line. It's kinda like a television show -- even the best ones don't stay on the air forever. ;)
EXO: Also, does this mean a new game line, and/or more support for existing lines when DP9 finishes the HGear story?
Marc-Alex: New game line, probably in the same niche (military SF).
EXO: Now that Lightning Strike is out and appears as though it is being received well what are the future plans for Lightning Strike?
Marc-Alex: We plan a couple of expansions with new vehicles and new factions (Venus, Mars, etc.). We may do a simplified ground combat system to go with it as well.
EXO: With regards to LS and the rest of the Jovian line will we see books that incorporate LS info or will the books mainly stick with the given format with LS getting its own support?
Marc-Alex: LS will have separate supplements so that people who want to play just LS don't have to buy a whole sourcebook to get new stats.
EXO: Miniatures? HGear's line is very remarkable, but will we ever see any for Jovian Chronicles?
Marc-Alex: Hopefully yes, though the HG line is keeping us really busy right now.
EXO: Any plans for a JC computer game of any kind (sim, tactical, whatever)?
Marc-Alex: Not at this time.
EXO: What about an anime or manga? Or an online webcast of a JC Drama Story?
Marc-Alex: Not at this time.
EXO: Will we see anymore resin kits for the Jovian Line?
Marc-Alex: Maybe. Depends wholly on sales of the current models.
EXO: I will ask one now, "I always wanted to visit Canada. Where is a good place to visit?" -Jolan
Marc-Alex: Anywhere. That's what so great about this country. :)
Everytime someone mentions a JC computer game, I sigh. That would be the coolest thing ever. (Apart from that, I could settle for a sequel to Heavy Gear II, which is still the best giant robot game to date.)
Joonas, at 10:40 AM
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